Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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모든 번역물

모든 번역물 - shiko

원문 언어
번역될 언어

약 2개 결과들 중 1 - 2
원문 언어
영어 First glimpse, we admired each other, and then...
First glimpse, we admired each other, and then we took a coffee a day after together. We chit chat, and then I shocked when he told me that he was married and has a boy "not a baby". I got astonished and gloomy.He wants to see me, but there were bad circumstances for him that her grandma was in coma, few days ago I sent him daily a message to ask about her, afterwards I don't like even send this message again. I am so confused …
Sorry, may be my head is in the clouds.

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